Ohio Cycling Center

Christmas Gift Certificates Available

We can customize some design elements
Here's a great gift idea for any cyclist. Use it for any of our services (bike fitting, coaching, performance testing, massage, etc). Use it for Christmas, birthday, anniversary, or any other occasion. They are available for any amount you need. The buttons below are some of the more common amounts requested.

Below you will find "Purchase" buttons for $100, $60, and Flexible Amount gift certificates. If you would like something else please let me know! I am happy to build a package that provides exactly what you want. You do not need a PayPal account to use the buttons. You can "check out" as a guest using any of the major credit cards shown.
There are several ways to receive or deliver the gift certificates.
1. A hard copy can be picked up at Ohio Cycling Center. It comes with a nice envelope ready to address to your recipient. We are located at 3791 Trovillo Road, Morrow, OH 45152. You may call me at 937-572-1192.
2. A hard copy can be mailed to you or recipient. Please provide the name and mailing address of where to mail it.
3. The certificate can be emailed to you or the recipient. Please specify the name and email address to use.
Include your choice for delivery in the Pay Pal instructions after you click on the "Purchase" buttons.